Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Making the switch...

I've been long considering starting picking up blogging again. I'm pretty much done with school, no more multiple pages of elaborative lab reporting, book reviewing, and other such reiterating. I kind of miss writing. This is really the first time in my life that I haven't had to write regularly. And that's something to think about. No more high school, no more college, I guess that means I'm a grown up now, right?

Surprisingly enough, it doesn't feel much different. I now live on my own, married, with a baby, but I can still relate to what life was like three, five, almost ten years ago. Thinking about myself when I was 11, I have a hard time actually comprehending that I was the exact age one of my little brothers are now. It doesn't seem like my habits, concerns, or interests have changed all that much.

When I was 11 and imagined myself as 20 I was a lot different than I am now. I figured that by then I'd wear lots of makeup every day. I'd dress in ladies suit-jackets and high heels, even if I was only a scientist, because I'd be very professional no matter what career into which I landed. I'd wear my hair up constantly, because it was going to stay pin straight forever, despite my early childhood dreams of inheriting mom's curls. It seemed that I was destined to be kind of boring as a 20-year-old, but it wouldn't seem so once I got there, so it was all cool. I'd eventually appreciate and prefer being professional, beautiful, and fake.

I've changed a lot less than I had expected in the last 9 years. I don't own a single suit jacket. My hair actually did get curly when I was 13. I still bite my nails. I continue to wear t-shirts and sneakers everyday (though I have maturely ditched the habit of wearing pants to Sunday Mass). I play with my daughter the same way I've always played with my infant siblings. I still read an occasional Star Wars book. Being a grown up is actually a lot less boring that I thought it would be.